Wednesday, December 02, 2009

71% of Americans angry at federal government

Rasmussen has a new poll that shows 71% of Americans are angry at the federal governement ... and the numbers are growing:
The data suggests that the level of anger is growing. The 71% who are angry at federal government policies today is up five percentage points since September.

Even more stunning, the 46% who are Very Angry is up 10 percentage points from September.
For a poll-driven president, shouldn't this be a clue that Americans do not want his socialized health care or his fingers in private companies or his stimulus bill that made up numbers instead of creating real jobs?
Opposition to the health care plan proposed by the president and congressional Democrats remains high. Voters continue to oppose the government bailouts of General Motors and Chrysler, and a growing number now believe their taxes will go up during the Obama years.
There is other eye-opening information in this poll that makes it a worthwhile read.

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